Step Inside Philadelphia’s First Medical Marijuana Dispensary in Fishtown
Media members (and other invitees) check in for the May 2nd preview ahead of Restore’s official May 30th opening. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden Cannabis be true? While never imagining I’d find myself in the vicinity of a medical marijuana dispensary, that’s precisely where my Uber driver deposited me on the evening of May 2nd, when Restore Integrative Wellness Center hosted a VIP preview party to introduce members of the media, politicians and business owners to Philadelphia’s first such “house of well repute” located on Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia’s Fishtown. Finally and at long last (Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 3, legalizing medical marijuana in Pennsylvania, on April 17, 2016),…
A Unique, Online Gift Guide for Last Minute Holiday Shoppers
Story by Explore, submitted photos/video The year of 2018 has been our best yet for Explore! While our publisher Cassie Hepler moved across the country to Phoenix, Arizona, it has helped expand the blog and gaining more traction and faithful followers every day. We have made some new partnerships and awesome blogger/influencer friends in the Valley of the Sun to California and beyond. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all who have helped us succeed in this crazy, exciting blogging world. From the East Coast to the West Coast, we looking forward to exploring more and outside the USA for 2019. In the meantime, as we…
Tropicana’s Chelsea Tower Brings Atlantic City, New Jersey Good Luxe
If asked what I thought of The Chelsea Tower, I’d imitate this gesture. The place rules on many levels. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden For someone who adores the ocean, I spent but a single day and night down the shore this summer. Sad but true, yet what a memorable evening it was! I was among other media folks at the advance preview party to debut Tropicana’s Chelsea Tower, the erstwhile Chelsea Hotel, which closed in December 2016 and re-opened to the public as The Chelsea Tower just in time (and with grand fanfare) for Memorial Day 2018 (official public opening date was May 25th). The hotel acquisition by Tropicana…