Do You Feel Trapped in the Rat Race?
Via Unsplash Are you stuck in a daily routine and need to break free and live a more fulfilling lifestyle? You aren’t alone – millions of people around the globe feel helplessly trapped. But take heart; there is hope! This blog post will outline those critical steps so you can break free and live a life filled with joy, satisfaction, and purpose! Establish your life’s goals. Via Unsplash Establishing goals is an integral component of reaching success. Without clear goals, it can be easy to get lost in life’s endless possibilities. Writing down your deepest aspirations helps clarify and focus your thoughts, creating a roadmap to your future, with each…
Keeping Your Loved Ones Close After Death
The idea of losing someone you love dearly is never nice, but unfortunately, it is something that everyone will go through – and more than once for most of us. For some, it is the loss of siblings and parents; for others, it is grandparents, best friends or pets. One of the things that people like to do and often struggle with is how they can celebrate the life of their loved one – and how they can keep them close. In the early weeks, it can be a difficult thing to think about, as often denial, upset, and worry will be prevalent at the start. Over time, and when…
Explore Chacchoben Ruins and Blue Lagoon in Costa Maya, Mexico
Photos, story by Cassie Hepler When I was planning which cruise to take with Princess Cruises, I was obsessed with the 10 day cruise from Galveston, Texas because it included the Cayman Islands and Belize. As part of the press trip package, we were limited to 7 days so I chose the one that included Costa Maya which borders Belize and shares the same reef territory, great for snorkeling and diving. Costa Maya is also free from high rise chain hotels leaving its lagoons, archaeological gems and coastline free from clutter. And the 7 day cruise still stopped to see Roatan, Honduras so most bucket list items were checked off.…