Feeling United by Flowers at the 195th PHS Philadelphia Flower Show
Sunshine bathes the 195th PHS Philadelphia Flower Show’s welcome banner at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. We HAVE to write about flowers. We have to experience flowers. We have to understand that their flourishing is dependent on an entire ecosystem of grass and dirt and water and sunlight and touch and love. Because when we understand that about the flowers, we will understand that about one another as well. — Jenna Winship Story, photos by Sharon Kozden While I intellectually get that every season has its distinct glory, beauty and allure, truth be told, the winter of my discontent is, well, winter. When it’s dark outside as I leave for work…
The Complexities of Relationships, Money, Culture & Evolution
Dig into the complexities where love crosses with financial status, and you’ll uncover layers that many prefer to gloss over. Evolutionary psychology offers a lens through which we can view the nuances of dating and mating in the modern era, suggesting that our preferences are not just whims but are influenced by centuries of survival strategies. The Numbers Speak About Financial Dynamics in Relationships Gender and Mate Preferences: A study by the University of Texas noted that across 37 cultures, men placed higher value on youth and physical attractiveness, while women prioritized good financial prospects. This aligns with evolutionary theories but is being reshaped by cultural progress toward gender equality.…
- Day Trips, Education, Entertainment, Explore with Cassie, Food & Beverage, Latest News, Lifestyle, Travel
Relax in the Small Town of Wilsonville, Just South of Portland, Oregon
Story, photos and video by Cassie Hepler Never travel for business during Spring Break! That’s the first moral of this story as I always have to learn things the hard way… I booked a flight at the crack o’ dawn through Southwest so I could hit the ground running on a Monday morning to make the week last extra long. In theory, it’s a good idea during any other time of the year and you will fly through security at Phoenix Airport with time to spare. But this time was a Spring Break shit show at 5 a.m. with lines crawling down the hallway with the progression of a snail.…
- Day Trips, Education, Entertainment, Explore with Cassie, Food & Beverage, Latest News, Lifestyle, Travel
Get Your Wild West on and go Golfing at Rancho de Los Caballeros in Wickenburg, Arizona
Story, photos and video by Cassie Hepler The first time I visited Wickenburg, Arizona was for an old Western town style photoshoot at Robson’s Ranch for local and out of town models. I had no clue what I was getting into at the time but was new to the desert and thought it would be a great way to meet some fresh faces and see new places. I has just bought my brand-new Honda whip at the time and remember being a little stressed about driving on long, windy rock roads… it seems that old West town for rent still exists although more rundown but it’s kind of rad concept.…