Hopping into Spring with Fishtown Hops at Sugarhouse Casino in Philadelphia, PA
Story, photos by David Krakow It is of course a paragon of journalistic integrity that one should not write a subjective story infected by mood. If I had just finished a knock down, drag ’em out with my wife or boss, I probably wouldn’t turn around five minutes later and pen a piece on mindfulness. It was with this potential conflict in mind that I gritted my teeth while staring at an uninspiring plate of nachos during a recent Saturday night visit to the new Fishtown Hops. The conflict? On this particular afternoon, most of the many television sets above the bar and seating areas were showing a playoff game…
WXPN’s Xponential Music Festival is Summer Staple in Camden, New Jersey
Story, photos by David Krakow Ah festivals. The all-you-can-eat buffets of concert going. Although I’m of an age where folks went to concerts mostly and festivals hardly at all, they do hold a special place. I was living in San Francisco at the beginning of the 1990s and was able to jump on the Lollapalooza bandwagon with such folks as guiding spirits Jane’s Addiction, Alice In Chains and some new Seattle quintet called Pearl Jam. Later that decade I moved to New Orleans and took in two Jazzfests. By that time they were already as much pop and rock fests as jazz fests but any musical fest in New Orleans…
Hitting Up Virginia Beach, VA Early in the Season Makes Bonding with Locals a Breeze
Story by David Krakow My wife Jamie and I were in Virginia Beach, VA the first weekend in March. Late morning our first full day, it was time to take a walk on the beach. Did I mention it was early March? Jamie’s Fitbit was ready to sue us as our walk lasted only one block. In fairness, the visuals were perfectly engaging including rough ocean, generic beach sculptures and pretty condominiums. It was just short – and cold. We have a friend who owns a time share in the Oceannaire Resort Hotel and week nine of the year happens to be their week. They could not go, so early…