Lisbon, Portugal is the ‘Bestest’ Hip, Hilly, Coastal Capital City in Europe
Story, photos by Kelly Kusumoto My most recent trip to Lisbon, Portugal was my fourth in three years and, by far, the bestest. I guess before I go on, I should let you in on an inside joke. While attending college, I met a classmate from Lisbon. In our very first class, we hit it off and have been close ever since. We even started an indie game development company together, which is why I have been frequenting Lisbon so much. He loves his country and is proud of all its accomplishments. Jokingly, any time he brags about something Portuguese, he always tells me how they love to go big…
Shake Shack’s Chicken Creation is White Hot Meaty Goodness!
Story by Kelly Kusumoto, photos by Colleen Cahill Shake Shack unveiled its newest item to an already difficult-to-choose-from menu. The “Hot Chick’n” sandwich made its debut and ever since it has been taking over sales at the King of Prussia establishment. Store manager Charlotte was kind enough to take a few minutes from her hectic schedule to tell us a little more about it. She said there had been more orders for the new sandwich than for their regular chicken sandwich and that it is on par with sales for their famous ShackBurgers over the past week. While we were waiting for our food, we overheard patrons say they’d rather…
Travel to Hong Kong, Your Gateway to China
Story, photos by Kelly Kusumoto Have you ever thought about a trip to China but found yourself intimidated by the cultural differences or the language barrier? It can be daunting, but there are a few things you should know before skipping Hong Kong for Europe… again. Hong Kong is where East meets West. Only in Seoul and Tokyo will you find places in the Far East as open to us Westerners as Hong Kong. But unlike South Korea and Japan, Hong Kong was once under British rule. From 1842 to 1997 (with a Japanese WWII interruption), Hong Kong was a British colony. That means many of its inhabitants speak English.…
Philly’s Real Life ‘Rocky’ Bantamweight Christian Carto, a SugarHouse Sweet Boxing Treat
Story by Kelly Kusumoto, photos by Colleen Cahill On a hot, sweaty August night, Bantamweight Christian Carto TKO’d Phillip Adyaka to remain perfect at 11-0 with 11 KOs and proved he was SugarHouse Casino’s sweetest treat of the night. On the banks of the Delaware River, SugarHouse Casino in Fishtown was bustling with action. Cars filled each parking lot, people were walking to and fro, dining outside and playing inside. The weather was perfect and the mood was right. But no one’s stars were more aligned for a win than the incredibly talented, Philly native, Christian Carto, who at 20 years young is carving out a boxing career he hopes…
How to Make It All Worth It During Your Hawaiian Getaway at Hyatt’s Maui Regency
Story by Kelly Kusumoto, photos by Colleen Cahill & Kelly Kusumoto It’s all in your head. Every image you’ve ever seen of Hawaii, every story you’ve ever heard. There’s majesty, serenity, and in February, warmth that just appeals to you in the throngs of an East Coast winter. Well, the images and the stories can’t even do Hawaii any justice. There’s nothing like being there. But as I’ve learned the last four years on the right coast, getting there is a big reason Hawaii is such a mystery to those who’d rather fly south to the Caribbean. First off, you have to come to terms that any trip from the East…