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Explore with Cassie Celebrates 10 Years of Lifestyle & Travel Blogging at Chateau Luxe

Story, videos by Cassie Hepler, Photography by Brian Delfin

It’s the 10 year blogaversary Great Gastby party that almost wasn’t! And I couldn’t tell anyone until afterwards because it would have freaked people out. I’ve learned the hard way through the years that you cannot spook the guest list with an oversold status or the other way, an event that may not happen. So I kept it to myself… until now. Over the winter while I was busy writing up a freelance storm and planning for my father to visit, Chateau Luxe had closed its beloved Wander Speakeasy and changed the business model to a private event space. It still has the same fabulous, glamorous vibes as seen in the video above but only available to rent for private parties as of 2025.

How to Throw a Great Gatsby Party

Their wonderful marketing maven Lynette Carrington had helped organize the whole thing for me but was part of the structure change and politely nudged me to reach out to confirm and I’m so glad I did! We were able to secure and confirm everything mostly last minute for Thursday, February 6th but it worked in the end. The staff at Chateau Luxe was absolutely wonderful to us – so much so that no one wanted to leave and I had to legit kick people out. I mean not physically but a firm nudge of time to go, let’s gooooo!

What to Wear for a Great Gatsby Party

My bestie since college, Elizabeth, came from California to support and rally as well as my favorite California photographer and good friend Brian Delfin. Liz arrived the night before which gave us plenty of time to catch up, get our eyes professionally done at Sephora by make up artist Cassie and then primp and pamper ourselves all day long. The gold Calvin Klein gown I had acquired years ago and saved for a rainy day – as I do! My motto is get the dress, the event will come. We even snuck by and grabbed tasty fish tacos lunch to go at Rubio’s as she doesn’t have any close by anymore! It was perfect actually as she ate while I got my eyes done and vice versa. Everything was finally smooth sailing and I was getting giddy. This would also be the first time I drank alcohol since the last week or two of December – I did an extended Dry January because I could and for the sake of my ever-wavering hormones and waistline. So we all got gussied up, hopped in the car and arrived early for photoshoot time. And so glad we did because a slight glitch in the Matrix happened at the last minute…

Cassie Hepler, owner of Explore with Cassie, at the 10 year Great Gatsby party before guests arrived.
I have to be cheeky, it’s part of my personality. Props to the sausage casing underneath the dress! I now own multiple that I acquired last minute to smooth the fupa.
The hand held dress train material was brilliant and came in very handy! I did break it by the end of the night.
The Great Gatsby dress was a Calvin Klein gown, acquired years ago for a special occasion like this one!
And the heels were a score from Savers, brand new and very fabulous! I loved my makeup so much and learned a trick or two.
Cassie Hepler with best friend since college Elizabeth at Chateau Luxe. We’ve gone from dressing up goth to shiny, sparkling gowns!
It was right after this photo we had a wardrobe malfunction as my dress caught on the heels.
And so began the fix the bling on my heel portion of the night thankfully before anyone arrived. Bestie to the rescue! We tried nail glue one of the employees sacrificed but alas it was not sticking. The owner came to my rescue and gave me a packet of safety pins which unless told, you would never notice. She was a blessing as well as the huge Chateau Luxe Stanley she gifted me and a glass of champagne after this debacle to relax. Always arrive early for this very purpose!
After we secured the bling in place with a safety pin or three, we didn’t want to miss the pretty hallway flower pics in the hallway behind the bar.
Then it was time to get back into the swing of things because it was party time with first guests arriving! Cheers to 10 years.
Fellow cat lover and friend Chelsey arrived looking great in green first!
We had to catch a quick photo of myself and photographer Brian Delfin, usually always behind the camera. Liz has been trained well after all these years for this photo!
All the ladies became fast friends which became a theme for the night. Birds of a feather flock together!
Homie Kelly Sallaway arrived, producer and fellow friend trying to save the world.
Hugs are always appreciated by well meaning friends!
Shannon Severson aka Living it Write and a friend came dressed to impress!
My girl Dorie and husband Mark Morales come decked out for Spring Great Gatsby vibes. Green Living Magazine in the house!
I have the best neighbors in North Phoenix and Karin came to support from North Phoenix with a friend.
PR maven Kelly Walsh has been a great friend and support to my career and we love her!
Media maven Christine Goodfriend is literally that since I met her – a really good friend who always supports me!
A scene as the party starts to get going… some early birds and some later birds as usual. Peek a boo Christine!
A very seemingly intense conversation happening here!
Fellow entrepreneur Kate Mayeski from Maverick May Solutions who came in clutch later with an awesome idea!
Perfumer Ethan Turner arrives in style and matching the purple perfectly.
Some newcomers all at once show up in waves as they do!
Fellow cat lady and friend Courtney has been a huge support system for me since we met. And looking amazing in red!
I’m not sure what’s going on here but part of the fun with paparazzi style photos.
Carrie Nowocin from Carry Me Productions came to show support and also helps the homeless in Arizona!
Jennifer Goldberg from Phoenix New Times has had my back since we met, I love this smart as a whip woman!
The nicest group of media ladies in Arizona right here, no drama just good vibes and full support system!
Neighbor and friend Marisol Avila from AllthePrettys came to support even after a hectic work day!
And my closest neighbor and friend Amanda showed up with a whole troupe! I love this photo, so much love in her eyes.
Some of the amazing women in my life who support me and keep me sane right here. Mel, I have your cigarette holder!
There was enough space for everyone to relax and spread out which was nice.
Kelly and I caught in deep conversations while resting my feet for a minute before being called for more pics.
The positive wave-making duo from Olla Olla Crepes showed up to represent in style too!
Grabbing a pic with the guys too who are also very supportive of me! Brothers from another mother right here.
This table had me cracking up often. I only had 2 glasses of champagne at the party because I was so busy entertaining!
The cutest mismatched couple but digging both styles! We’re going to the Arizona Renn Faire together next.
This gorgeous gal is for real an Emerald and the queen of massages!
The cutest photo ever of Emerald striking a pose for Brian! She may be small but is mighty and will tear your back up, just like I like it.
A pro pic of two wave making gals at the Great Gatsby party, Kelly and Christine!
Time was flying by and before I knew it, it was time to finish up the rest of my champagne with Marisol!
To help move everyone along, we did a group photo at Chateau Luxe with people helping me up on the bar. Some people were not photographed and others requested to delete their photo for privacy sake and we totally respect that!
And Kate’s great idea, everyone look at Cassie she said!
I was unsure where to look so looked at Liz, who’s always been there for me! Courtney is cracking me up with her hmmm chin rub.

Right after this was the cat herding to get everyone to leave and head to the after party at Lookout Tavern AZ nearby who graciously hosted us and gave this Great Gatsby gal a bottle of champs to celebrate. Bestie and I both flung off those heels in the car and immediately into our sneakers, mine with sparkles of course and enjoyed dancing the night away, playing games while taking some heavy bling off. All in all, I’d say it was a smashing success. Some people had to work, some were sick, some claimed it was “too far” but I think it was just perfect as is. I will say it is a LOT of behind the scenes work no one sees so will probably not throw another until the 20 year anniversary and a low key one at that. Thank you to everyone who came to support me and to those who tried to make it, were out of town, got sick or not in the state of Arizona. Sharing this and other blog posts also supports my small business and I appreciate all the love. Cheers to 10 more years!