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How to Fall Back in Love With Your Career

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Many people struggle through the working week, waiting for Friday to come around so they can spend time doing the things they enjoy. While you may have once loved your job and found your career fulfilling, over time, this positive feeling can subside, leaving you dissatisfied and unhappy. Unhappiness at work can profoundly impact your overall health and well-being and, if left unchecked, can cause a wide range of issues in your career and personal life.

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If you feel disengaged and stressed at work, you are not alone. According to the Gallup State of the Global Workplace Report 2022, just 21% of employees are engaged at work. So, with the majority of employees unhappy in their roles, what can be done to improve this?

Lots of employees get that sinking feeling on a Sunday night as yet another working week looms. But, when the thought of going to work becomes something you dread, it is time to re-assess and see if you can make some positive changes in your career. Here are some ideas to help you fall back in love with your job and start to enjoy what you do all over again:

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Reconnect With Your Purpose

Reconnecting with the reasons you selected your chosen career in the first place is an excellent way to gain more enjoyment from your work. Thinking about your motivations to pursue your career choice and how it connects with your values will take you back to the start of your journey and your hopes for your career. Reflecting on why you started and your achievements so far can motivate you to change your mindset and enjoy your role again.

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Try a Change of Scenery

A change of scenery is sometimes all you need to feel better about your career and fall back in love with your job. You may find that it is not your actual career that’s the problem; it could be a related issue, such as your current workplace not meeting your needs, an unreasonable boss, or work hours that don’t suit you. Exploring issues related to your career in more detail should help you identify where the problems lie and whether a change of scenery will help. 

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Using your skills in a different environment can be a great way to fall back in love with your job. If you are a nurse, you could try travel nursing, or if you are a teacher, you could try moving to a different school. It is easy to feel trapped in an unhappy work environment, but making some changes will show you that there is a positive way forward in your career.

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Set New Career Goals

If boredom is the main reason you have grown tired of your career, it is time to set yourself some new challenges. It is never too late to set yourself goals. Having a vision and something to aim for can breathe new life into your career and help you fall in love with it all over again.