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JDRF Celebrates Hope with One Promise Gala at Loews Philadelphia

Tres elegant and sparkling program design.

“Diabetes is a lousy, lousy disease.” – Elaine Stritch

Story, photos by Sharon Kozden

Diabetes IS a “lousy, lousy” disease. In fact, I might add a third “lousy” to that statement to further drive home the message and truth.

I once recall thinking – if I had to endure and manage a physical-health issue – type 1 diabetes is the single most awful disease that I’d never want to have. So many checks and balances to regulate insulin levels … a seemingly all-consuming daily, no let-up effort. It’s heartbreaking to imagine little ones in particular having to self-monitor and perform such necessary measures to enable them to function in ways others do effortlessly. Kids are supposed to live a carefree existence. It just doesn’t seem fair.

But since life is not fair, there’s a lot of work to be done to find a way to eradicate type 1 diabetes.  As well, a lot of people are working tirelessly to find a cure for this autoimmune disease, which prevents an individual’s pancreas from producing insulin. At present, there is no cure, nor can one prevent T1D from occurring. That’s the unfortunate truth about autoimmune diseases in general. I know: I have one. It’s my thyroid that’s gone turncoat, and which I call Benedict Thyroid. Why our collective organs decide to see themselves as the enemy in our bodies is the ultimate mystery of autoimmunity.

To celebrate those who passionately persist in the quest to find a cure for T1D, Loews Philadelphia played gracious host on April 21st for the JDRF‘s (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) One Promise Gala, their “Celebration of Hope.” JDRF is the leading organization funding T1D research. They do “the greatest good for the largest number of people in the shortest period of time.” How so? I’ll list just a few of the ways in which they endeavor to cure, prevent and treat T1D. On a community level alone, JDRF has  organized walks, cycle rides and dispensed bags of hope and care kits.

The numbers for all that has been and is being done to find a cure, prevent and treat are staggeringly prolific. In 2018, JDRF federal funding monies to the tune of $300 million for the Special Diabetes Program were promised via a two-year commitment.  That’s some hella advocacy in action. While numbers and statistics are impressive and important, the One Promise Gala was all about celebration with a theme of sparkle, shine and brilliance. The evening truly lighted up with stars. “The 2018 One Promise Gala sparkles because of you.”

A VIP reception in the Millennium Ballroom followed by cocktail party kicked off the festivities. It was the cocktail party, where the trifecta of raffle, silent and super-silent auctions opened and where attendees lined up in a photo-op area. The live auction included some unique offerings such as a VIP visit with Tory Burch and an autographed Philadelphia Eagles custom wall sculpture. View some of the others in the photographs below.

While everything about the evening was special and awe-inspiring, two happenings were stand-out. F. William McNabb,  Chairman, the Vanguard Group, Inc. the event honoree, was presented with the “JDRF Living and Giving Award.” Turns out that Mr. McNabb has a rather strong connection and history with the Lerch family. At one time, McNabb was a rowing coach at The Haverford School, attended by rower Jonesy Lerch (also T1D-diagnosed), husband of gala chair Lisi Lerch. Another noteworthy achievement that evening involved the artist tapped for 2018’s T1D art project for the gala. He was none other than the noted, talented and award-winning mosaic mural artist Isaiah Zagar. His murals – over “200 public walls – are located in Philadelphia as well as worldwide.”

Next on the gala itinerary was the formal program in the Regency Ballroom, where guests walked like stars on a red carpet, entering the ballroom beneath an arched trellis bursting with flowers. The scene within had to be seen to be believed. And seen it can be – below. On entering, tables were located, people settled into chairs and beheld the most stunningly decorated gala ballroom (in keeping with the pink, sparkle and brilliance motif). This was no cubic zirconia ballroom-décor revelation. More like the Hope Diamond! A sumptuous dinner was served, followed by dancing and entertainment by the Starlight Orchestra.

At approximately half past eight with everyone still going strong, the raffle, silent and super-silent auctions closed, and the bidding began. Guest emcee Carson Kressley, inimitably exuded a degree of enthusiasm and energy that roused the crowd. Speakers, including gala chair Lisi Lerch, whose immediate family has its own challenge with T1D (both husband and oldest daughter were diagnosed), spoke passionately and articulately to the polite and respectful listeners. The salient, significant mantra … which marries a relentless commitment … is “Until Type 1 is Type None.”

The evening wrapped at 10 p.m., when guests checked out and collected their auction items. As Lisi wanted, the event was a true celebration. With the assist of many volunteers, auction donors and, of course, generous sponsors, Lisi achieved her gala goal. Kudos to all, who kicked butt to make this evening the spectacular success that it was. I’m guessing it’s the same butt-kicking energy all apply to the cause. “Until Type 1 is Type None.”

For further understanding and education about the challenges faced by those with T1D, visit For more information about JDRF’s Eastern PA Chapter, email

Lovely young ladies dressed to the nines welcome guests on the red carpet with festive lighted-up tambourines.

Loews Philadelphia knows how to host with the most.

A quartet of sharply dressed youth. No playing dress-up this evening.

Ascent to main event via elevator made fun by décor.

Check-in managing by the experts.

Give it up for one beautiful ice sculpture.

The presence of bubbly on entrance to an event is a timeless and classic and class predictor.

Pour some bubbly for me!

Shiny specialty cocktails coming right up.

Enjoy a specialty cocktail that lives up to its name.

Daring, dapper and delicate.

Now that’s striking a pose with flair.

Fruit and cheese pair in painterly arrangement.

Hors d’oeuvre trays making their way throughout the crowd.

Grade A+++!

Artichokes, like Brussels sprouts, really do it for me. These roasted hearts found their way to my own time and again.

Wait: there’s more? The light bite trays were out in force.

Apparently, I’m not turning vegan anytime soon. Melty mouth time!

F. William “Bill” McNabb III, Chairman, The Vanguard Group, event honoree with guest.

Pink was the prominent fashion color for women, but it’s the gentleman’s footwear that steals this snap’s scene.

At right far right here is emcee Carson Kressley.

Photographing beautiful people while admiring their style choices and pairings is a favorite part of my work.

It’s patently obvious how many of the couples and attendees photographed are completely relaxed and very happy to be right there, right then.

From left, Congressional candidate Lindy Li, with Bill McNabb.

Mic check 1, 2. Check. Check. Deejay on the job, spinning tunes.

Lovely family out in their finery, supporting the cause.

Couple exuding poise, grace and confident body language.

Fabulous mosaic rendering by the peerless, ultra-talented Isaiah Zagar, who honors the gala title and shows his support with this one-of-a-kind auction piece.

Auction item with a value noted as ‘priceless.’

Gala guests peruse auction items. So many to choose from, and all were highly varied.

Glamorous both on all levels. My choice for best dress.

Note here the cascade from short-sleeved dress to off the shoulder followed by bandeau. Makes for an interesting photo composition on these three stunners.

Cute, playful and dressed for an evening on the town. They grow up so fast.

From left, Sharon Kozden with US Congressional candidate Lindy Li.

Guests made their way to dine by walking a red carpet beneath a floral-bursting archway.

Does it get any more beautiful than this? Could be, but this is certainly a top-rate contender.

This place setting of pink plate, bow and sparkling napkin holder was stare- and gasp-worthy.

Time to work the room or give those heels-fitted feet a break and enjoy the feasting.

While no ‘X’ is necessary to mark the spot when it comes to a perfectly turned out entrée, this is a unique presentation.

I only photographed these: I mean it!

Impassioned speaking (by selfless and determined honoree Bill McNabb) about the battle to stamp out diabetes.

Gala Chair Lisi Lerch speaks movingly and, in so doing, temporarily changes the mood from festive to attentive and subdued … rightly so with such a powerful message.