Explore Chacchoben Ruins and Blue Lagoon in Costa Maya, Mexico
Photos, story by Cassie Hepler When I was planning which cruise to take with Princess Cruises, I was obsessed with the 10 day cruise from Galveston, Texas because it included the Cayman Islands and Belize. As part of the press trip package, we were limited to 7 days so I chose the one that included Costa Maya which borders Belize and shares the same reef territory, great for snorkeling and diving. Costa Maya is also free from high rise chain hotels leaving its lagoons, archaeological gems and coastline free from clutter. And the 7 day cruise still stopped to see Roatan, Honduras so most bucket list items were checked off.…
Tips For Baking In The Kitchen To Improve Your Creations
Baking is a wonderful practice and hobby to have when it comes to living at home. The smell of freshly baked bread or cookies in the oven is always one that’s satisfying to come home to at the end of a long day of work. If you’re someone who has tried baking before but hasn’t stuck at it, then this guide is for you. There are plenty of top tips to practice your baking skills and improve your creations in the kitchen. With that being said, here are some top tips for baking in the kitchen this year to create the best-baked goods you’ve ever made. Image Source Preparation is…
Why You Should Go Hiking
Image source: Pexels When it comes to fitness you might be asking yourself whether or not walking is worth it. Firstly, walking is absolutely worth it if you are trying to become fitter and healthier, but hiking takes walking to another elevated level. Hiking is one of those activities where you can rest, relax and exercise all at the same time. You’re resting away from your home or office, you are relaxing because you are in nature, and you’re exercising because the movement that you are doing will help to tone and keep your muscles fit. When it comes to exercise, if you don’t want to join a gym, you…
5 Herbal Medicines To Help You Beat Stress
Pexels. CCO Licensed. Looking for a way to relieve stress? There are many herbal medicines with stress-relieving properties that could be worth trying. Below are five prime examples. CBD CBD comes from the hemp plant. It is essentially the ingredient within cannabis that makes you relaxed, but without the high. Studies have found CBD to be very effective at reducing cortisol levels (the hormone that makes you stressed). On top of this, it can improve sleep quality and even provide pain relief. There are a few different ways to consume CBD including as an oil from a tincture, as a pill, as a vape liquid or even as a gummy…
Cruising from Galveston, Texas with Princess Cruises
Story, photos by Cassie Hepler We had been discussing this press trip for well over a year, deep into the peak of the pandemic where cruise ships were still requiring masks and proof of vaccine before boarding. I am unvaxxed (and DGAF if you are or not, your body your choice) and thought it odd to not just test everyone before boarding as well as the staff on board at each port. To me that seemed like the best way to screen folks – and still does to be honest. So when they lifted all the restrictions, I was ready and raring to go – especially with this very oddly…
Interior Vehicle Design Ideas to Make Your Car Have a Vibe
Pexels – CCO Licence When most of us think of interior design, we usually think of our homes or apartments. But what about our cars? We spend a huge amount of time in our cars whether it’s commuting to and from work or going on exciting road trips. So why not make our cars a comfortable and stylish space? Here are some tips for interior design for your car that will make spending time in there even more enjoyable. Can the clutter Before you start thinking about decorating your car, make sure it’s clean and clutter-free like the new cars at Edmunds are. This will give you a good starting…
Invest in Your Art Gallery to Enjoy Your Home Haven Even More
Story by Kat Fleischman, submitted photos by Jacopo Fuschi This 2023, what better than to give your home a makeover and feel like you are ALWAYS visiting a luxury destination? We have all been forced to live and work in the same space and as home prices continue skyrocketing, let’s rethink how we use our finances and collective work/live spaces post-pandemic. The below is a global guide, with pieces from all over the world, that help you take a spacious home and turn it into an efficient and comforting oasis. Whether you hang pieces of art to make it look like a “home gallery”, or have kids running around making…
Escape to a Slice of Heaven in Catalina Island, California
Story, photos by Cassie Hepler (unless otherwise noted), I’ve officially dubbed Santa Catalina Island California’s mini Hawaii, minus the natives and hefty price tag. It has that same laid back, relaxing yet magical vibe. Situated 22 miles southwest from Los Angeles, CA, it feels like another world away as it is only accessible by boat. Our transportation choice was the Catalina Express, which offers three ports to choose from: San Pedro, Long Beach and Dana Point. Long Beach was closest for me driving in the day before from Phoenix but others are just as well. With up to 30 departures a day, it’s a no brainer to take this vessel…
- Day Trips, Education, Entertainment, Explore with Cassie, Food & Beverage, Latest News, Lifestyle, Travel
Polish Your Soul and Your Plate in Sedona, Arizona
Photos, story by Cassie Hepler When you receive a last minute press trip invite to Sedona, Arizona on 11/11, you go. Those in alignment numbers represent a powerful opportunity to connect with your inner self and begin some kick ass spiritual growth. It also signifies that a period of change is about to start within you. And literally earlier that week, the shift was already in motion. So I delved into the energy vortex abyss that is the high vibe of Sedona for a magical weekend! But first we had to swing by the brand new Cove Mesa Vineyard in Cornville, AZ to enjoy a wine tasting and meet the…
Philadelphia’s Christmas Pop-up Bar Tinsel Amps Up Watts, Tech and Decor
Tinsel’s swirly signage hangs from the Midtown Village building’s gingerbread-house exterior. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden “Tinsel is another word to describe anything as being cool or amazing (You are so Tinsel).” — Urban Dictionary Christmas, 2022 is a wrap. Time to recycle-toss the tree and pack-up those fragile ornaments until next year’s production. And speaking of productions, check out this account of my own ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas adventure! On the evening of November 21st, I made the scene at Tinsel, the wildly popular Christmas Pop-up bar owned and operated by Teddy Sourias of Craft Concepts Group, where Sourias and Kory Aversa of Aversa PR & Events were…