DesignPhiladelphia Festival Celebrates 15 Years, Hosts Kickoff Party at Cherry Street Pier
The Ben Franklin Bridge’s steel-suspension design is a perfect backdrop for DesignPhilaldephia’s Kickoff Party. “Good design is actually a lot harder to notice than poor design, in part because good designs fits our needs so well that the design is invisible.”- Don Norman Story, photos by Sharon Kozden My introduction to Philadelphia’s design scene occurred in fall at Cherry St. Pier, where DesignPhiladelphia kick-started its 15th annual 10-day long festival with a launch party that had the stunning Benjamin Franklin Bridge as backdrop. It was a fitting and iconic location choice. What, after all, screams both stellar design and Philadelphia more than the Ben bridge? What wasn’t fitting on that…
Mayor’s Masked Ball at Philadelphia’s Convention Center Raises Over $760,000 for UNCF
Philadelphia’s Convention Center boasts escalators of amusement park-ride proportions. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Galas and balls may not be everyone’s (as the Brits say) cuppa char. I, however, would be hard pressed to decline an invite to either. That said, and while the prospect of a evening at home in my comfies, chowing Chinese takeaway and watching a flick in the cuddly company of my fur babies is a thoroughly enticing one, an occasional night on the town offers a desirable change of pace. I relish an opportunity to bust out the glam finery of cocktail dresses and gowns, wield a…
Experience Best of Times, Wurst of Times at Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant in Phoenixville, PA
Foodies will pretty much follow anything that leads to food. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden Achtung! Attention, that is and full disclosure: I’m apparently intolerant of craft brews, which I discovered at the wurst of times, namely Oktoberfest. This would ordinarily be of no concern; however and just prior to learning of my sensitivity to these more potent beers, I accepted an assignment at Phoenixville, PA‘s Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant. Did I mention the event was a celebration of Oktoberfest (clearly not a big month for beer consumption)? To compound the irony, I reside in Phoenixville, where such boozy establishments saturate the Borough. Since I’d never encountered an issue…
Sit Back and Relax with a Fun Night Out at Movie Tavern in Collegeville, PA
Photos, story by Jill Beckel Sick of doing the same thing weekend after weekend? Then you’ve got to check out the Movie Tavern! The Collegeville, PA Movie Tavern includes everything for the perfect date night or a night out with friends and family. All you have to do is buy your movie ticket at the counter once you arrive and then choose your seats. We chose to see Ocean’s 8 starring eight actress powerhouses. Once seated, you can press the button on your arm rest for service and your waiter or waitress will come right over to take your order! The Movie Tavern’s drink and food menu was large and we had a hard time…
Xolo Tacos in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Dishes Out Delicious Mexican Food
Double-duty welcome! Story, photos by Sharon Kozden I had a hankering recently for something with a bit of spice and sizzle. I found my hanker-worthy sizzler of a dinner with a platter of fajitas at Xolo Tacos, billed as a Taqueria and Tequila Bar in beautiful Bryn Mawr, PA. Did I mention it was my birthday dinner? I’m one of those birthday- and anniversary-specific divas, who believes in maximizing celebratory antics. And if the day falls on a Friday or a Monday, I’m in heaven, anticipating a three day- and night-long event. I know someone who refers to her special day as “Birthday Month.” Girlfriend’s got me beat. Naturally, I…
Round of Applause for Bravo! Cucina Italiania in Lehigh Valley Mall, Pennsylvania
Story, photos by Sharon Kozden While June 6th is known far and wide as the anniversary of 1944’s “D-Day Invasion,” it’s overshadowed each year in my family by the occasion of my mother’s birthday. She turned 91 this year (her longevity secret’s a secret!), and I was pleased that she could accompany me to Bravo! Cucina Italiana for a celebratory dinner. The day was a hot one. Consequently, I was concerned the heat would cause appetite suppression, resulting in side-salads-as-entrée orders rather than the anticipated chow-down with gusto. But no worries necessary as, once inside, the cool air hit and the foodie fest was on! Bravo! Cucina Italiana is a…
Membership Not Required at Springfield Country Club’s Tavola Restaurant
Enjoy the country club’s 6,000 square foot-expansion (all outdoors!) of Tavola. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden “Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” – James Beard Within the past year, I’ve become a country mouse, who doesn’t much get out and about to country clubs. I’m so country, in fact, that local honey is produced by honeybees on the property where I live. Hens lay eggs. Doves coo. Woodpeckers peck. Trees hang low with fruit. All number of critter sounds abound, while cars pass infrequently along a quiet, solitary road. I even have a screen door that can slam. Still, when my editor offers an assignment, I’m at the…
JDRF Celebrates Hope with One Promise Gala at Loews Philadelphia
Tres elegant and sparkling program design. “Diabetes is a lousy, lousy disease.” – Elaine Stritch Story, photos by Sharon Kozden Diabetes IS a “lousy, lousy” disease. In fact, I might add a third “lousy” to that statement to further drive home the message and truth. I once recall thinking – if I had to endure and manage a physical-health issue – type 1 diabetes is the single most awful disease that I’d never want to have. So many checks and balances to regulate insulin levels … a seemingly all-consuming daily, no let-up effort. It’s heartbreaking to imagine little ones in particular having to self-monitor and perform such necessary measures to…
Philly’s Landmark Americana Tap and Grill Delivers Good Grub
Façade of Landmark Americana Tap & Grill’s City Line locale in the heart of St. Joseph’s University campus. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden When life gives you lemons, add drinks, wings and ribs! – In part, me. Just sayin’ before you read on … with apologies to Clement C. Moore ‘Twas the week before Super Bowl LII, when all through Landmark Americana Tap & Grill’s City Line location, all the sports’ fans were stoked and rocking the house. The wings were outstanding, all chicken, little bone, and my ten were divided between sauces mild with spice bite and honey barbeque sweet. The wings were all nestled, snug in their sauce, while not overly so…
Connect to Conquer: Philadelphia’s Union League Hosts YBConnected’s Charity Event
Let’s get this (benefit) party started! “The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water and food.” – Dean Ornish Story, photos by Sharon Kozden YBConnected – why be connected, indeed? It’s a timely and provocative question, particularly in these often (in so many ways) “trying” times. It saddens me a bit that, when I initially think of connection, what first comes to mind is social media – connected with others in virtual reality. Then again, I’m probably not alone with this sign of the times, which is precisely why I’m enamored with YBConnected‘s philosophy. To wit: “We believe the efforts you spend…