Build a Glamping Dome in Your Backyard with Phoenix Domes
Story by Cassie Hepler The price of housing is outrageous all across the United States. This is a not-so-fun fact we all feel from greedy corporate entities and our own government squeezing citizens for every last dime through creeping to 40% taxes on everything you do, eat, drink and where you live. I’m very goal-oriented and have been speaking to a number of think-outside-the-box brands over the years trying to find a solution to the housing madness. Fortunately, Arizona is pretty lax about additional living structures and especially now that the city of Phoenix has approved casitas in your backyard, glamping domes are a very cost effective way to secure…
Sleep in a Glamping Dome at Tirrito Farm in WillCox, Arizona
Photos, story and video by Cassie Hepler The last time I drove down to Willcox, Arizona was a whirlwind press trip with Cochise County with a heavy focus on all the many wineries in Southern Arizona. Let me tell you, when your job is to drink wine for days, your body is like whoah Nelly what is going on here?! It was during the end of the chaotic Covid era, not that it mattered in Arizona. It was still the Wild West which reminded me why I moved here in the first place… laws are a little loosey goosey. That road trip also included an overnight in the wild, weird…
- Day Trips, Education, Entertainment, Explore with Cassie, Food & Beverage, Latest News, Lifestyle, Travel
Polish Your Soul and Your Plate in Sedona, Arizona
Photos, story by Cassie Hepler When you receive a last minute press trip invite to Sedona, Arizona on 11/11, you go. Those in alignment numbers represent a powerful opportunity to connect with your inner self and begin some kick ass spiritual growth. It also signifies that a period of change is about to start within you. And literally earlier that week, the shift was already in motion. So I delved into the energy vortex abyss that is the high vibe of Sedona for a magical weekend! But first we had to swing by the brand new Cove Mesa Vineyard in Cornville, AZ to enjoy a wine tasting and meet the…