5 Herbal Medicines To Help You Beat Stress
Pexels. CCO Licensed. Looking for a way to relieve stress? There are many herbal medicines with stress-relieving properties that could be worth trying. Below are five prime examples. CBD CBD comes from the hemp plant. It is essentially the ingredient within cannabis that makes you relaxed, but without the high. Studies have found CBD to be very effective at reducing cortisol levels (the hormone that makes you stressed). On top of this, it can improve sleep quality and even provide pain relief. There are a few different ways to consume CBD including as an oil from a tincture, as a pill, as a vape liquid or even as a gummy…
Philadelphia’s 2018 Flower Show Just Adds Water
“Flowers rewrite soil, water and sunshine into petal’d poetry – Terri Guillemets Story, photos by Sharon Kozden There’s just something so wrong about attending the Philadelphia Flower Show on March 2nd, while the single most bad-ass storm of winter, 2018 had its ‘old man’ expressing rage like rarely before. A 30-year resident of Philadelphia stated it was the worst he’d seen in his entire time there. And that’s all I’m going to say about it because, let’s face it, we none of us want to recall its downright meanness. We’d much rather enter the Pennsylvania Convention Center and meander about, while waxing hopeful about spring being eminent. Agreed? Seems this…