Getting a Lil’ (Apple) Sauced During CiderFest at Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park’s Woodford Mansion
CiderFest attendee gives the cider press a rotation during a demonstration. “There is a place, September, oh, very far from Pandemonium. A place where it is always autumn, where there is always cider and pumpkin pie, where leaves are always orange and fresh-cut wood is always burning and it is always, just always Halloween” ~~ Catherynne M Valente Story, photos by Sharon Kozden While fall is the Fiona Apple of my ear (read: the aural equivalent of moody, low-slung clouds) I actually know people who don’t like autumn. Weirdos? Nah. Just people doing what they do (read: exercising their right to be). Imma do me. You do you. We all do…
DesignPhiladelphia Festival Celebrates 15 Years, Hosts Kickoff Party at Cherry Street Pier
The Ben Franklin Bridge’s steel-suspension design is a perfect backdrop for DesignPhilaldephia’s Kickoff Party. “Good design is actually a lot harder to notice than poor design, in part because good designs fits our needs so well that the design is invisible.”- Don Norman Story, photos by Sharon Kozden My introduction to Philadelphia’s design scene occurred in fall at Cherry St. Pier, where DesignPhiladelphia kick-started its 15th annual 10-day long festival with a launch party that had the stunning Benjamin Franklin Bridge as backdrop. It was a fitting and iconic location choice. What, after all, screams both stellar design and Philadelphia more than the Ben bridge? What wasn’t fitting on that…
Hot Time in the City at Laurel Hill Cemetery’s ‘Soulstice’ Fundraiser
Photos, story by Sharon Kozden I couldn’t be at Stonehenge in England for Summer Solstice 2017. I could, however, celebrate in Druidical-style, spending several hours during a perfect summer evening on Saturday, June 24 at Laurel Hill Cemetery. The fundraiser, labeled a “Soulstice,” was presented by their Young Friends group, the “Antemortem Society” and was staged in the cemetery’s oldest section, the Medallion Garden. Surrounded by headstones, vaults and crypts at sunset, the atmosphere became predictably and preternaturally mystical. I could not have chosen a better venue for my Stonehenge-desired experience. The Young Friends group certainly knows how to throw a party! Pathways were lined with miniature candles, luring party-goers to…