Chow Down Casual Comfort Food at Greene Turtle Sports Bar and Grille in North Wales, PA
Lighting paints the bar’s liquor bottles green or “greene,” as it were. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden What do you do when you don’t feel like dolling up for a four-star restaurant experience, yet you also don’t want to hole up at home with takeaway, and the effort involved in cooking a meal is just too daunting? What works for me is what lies between, namely a sports-bar and grill’s casual dining experience. No primping necessary. It’s doubtful anyone would even notice if I wore jammies, as so many sports-bar enthusiasts are typically tuned into some sort of game on one of the plethora of televisions lining the bar area…
United Kingdom Fast Fashion Store Primark Crosses Pond to King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
Primark takes up residence at the KOP Mall. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden Is there a better time to shop the King of Prussia Mall then on Labor Day weekend just days before the onset of a new school year? In a word and for this writer, the answer is an unequivocal no. So what was I thinking when an assignment found me at KOP’s Primark clothing store at the beginning of September? Mind you, I could have chosen a different date. Apparently, I wasn’t thinking. Still, I arrived early, hoping to avoid the crowds’ onslaught along with the potential for chick fights often known to ensue at super sales.…
Cirque du Soleil’s VOLTA Electrifies Audiences Under the Big Top in Oaks, PA
Vibrant background colors and name-zapped graphic create visually arresting poster. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden (event photography courtesy of Cirque du Soleil) Step right up! It’s showtime, folks. Over the summer, the circus came to town at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA. The renowned Cirque du Soleil arrived with its Under the Big Top production of VOLTA, and Oaks was woke! For some time preceding Cirque’s descension at the Expo Center, the locals and passers could witness the construction progress of a large tent (one that seated 2,500). People were talking. Something grand-scale was in the offing. A big deal in little but mighty Oaks. Word of…
Philadelphia’s Bellevue Hotel Hosts Historic Hotels of America Reception
The event’s venue is the only Philadelphia hotel on the National Register of Historical Places and was awarded the distinction in 1977. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden Philadelphia’s iconic Bellevue Hotel (also included on the Historic Hotels of America registry) hosted 14 other such accommodations winners from the National Trust for Historic Preservation for what was billed as a Philadelphia and Media Marketplace Luncheon. How does a single location, specifically the Bellevue’s 12th floor’s conservatory, fit ’em all in? Simple: these 15 lodging gems located across the country sent their very best representatives along with the necessary items to create alluring table scapes filled with theme-related décor, pamphlets and other…
Step Inside Philadelphia’s First Medical Marijuana Dispensary in Fishtown
Media members (and other invitees) check in for the May 2nd preview ahead of Restore’s official May 30th opening. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden Cannabis be true? While never imagining I’d find myself in the vicinity of a medical marijuana dispensary, that’s precisely where my Uber driver deposited me on the evening of May 2nd, when Restore Integrative Wellness Center hosted a VIP preview party to introduce members of the media, politicians and business owners to Philadelphia’s first such “house of well repute” located on Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia’s Fishtown. Finally and at long last (Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 3, legalizing medical marijuana in Pennsylvania, on April 17, 2016),…
Tropicana’s Chelsea Tower Brings Atlantic City, New Jersey Good Luxe
If asked what I thought of The Chelsea Tower, I’d imitate this gesture. The place rules on many levels. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden For someone who adores the ocean, I spent but a single day and night down the shore this summer. Sad but true, yet what a memorable evening it was! I was among other media folks at the advance preview party to debut Tropicana’s Chelsea Tower, the erstwhile Chelsea Hotel, which closed in December 2016 and re-opened to the public as The Chelsea Tower just in time (and with grand fanfare) for Memorial Day 2018 (official public opening date was May 25th). The hotel acquisition by Tropicana…
Animatronic ‘Xtreme Bugs’ Invade Philly’s Academy of Natural Sciences at Drexel University
Sleep tight! Not on your life with this bed bug … imagine that bite. “All the winged creatures I have loved!” — Victor Hugo Story, photos by Sharon Kozden Back in the day, I recall hearing terrifying reports of killer bees on the loose and headed in our country’s direction. Alerts about their imminent arrival were as ubiquitous throughout my youth as were Judy Blume YA (young adult) books. My vivid imagination even decided these bees were specifically targeting me. I envisioned a swarm descending without warning and when least expected. Ironically, I have no idea to this day if those dang bees ever did come ’round. Just when I…
Vincent van Gogh Pop-up Museum Road Trips the USA, Stops at King of Prussia Mall, PA
What do Vincent van Gogh and the King of Prussia Mall have in common? Pop into the Pop-up and have a look-see. “I can’t change the fact that my paintings don’t sell. But the time will come when people will recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in the picture.” – Vincent van Gogh Story, photos by Sharon Kozden When I think of Vincent Willem van Gogh, who happens to be my favorite painter as well as writer, I imagine his painterly style of vibrant colors and confident brush strokes. Tulips in Amsterdam. Sunflowers. Starry nights. And yes, the Don MacLean tune, a lyric…
Bizet’s Opera ‘Carmen’ Seduces Crowds at Philadelphia’s Academy of Music
There’s no missing exactly who and what have arrived. Vive le stage drop! “Love is a rebellious bird that no one can tame.” – Georges Bizet, Carmen, Act I Story, photos by Sharon Kozden – cast photos provided by Steven Pisano for Opera Philadelphia How is it possible I’ve lived so long without attending an opera? My only awareness of opera came when Glenn Close’s bunny-boiler character in “Fatal Attraction” was obsessed with “Madame Butterfly.” Then there was the ‘Til Tuesday “Voices Carry” video, where Aimee Mann won’t hush-hush at another operatic-looking performance. Yep: my vast store of knowledge in all things opera is formidable, I know. I just always…
Award-Winning Treno Pizza Bar Features Fantastic Pig Roast in Westmont, NJ
Eye-catching sign’s arrow with nostalgic design directs me in can’t-miss fashion. Story, photos by Sharon Kozden There will be pig. Pork talk. Porcine photos. After all, it was a pig roast I’d attended. Just sayin’ because I’d shown a friend my snap of the roasted pig, and her less than enthusiastic reaction made me realize there may be others similarly sensitive or put off, and who don’t realize (despite the telling title) that this review is about a pig roast. Okay then: disclaimer- and spoiler alert stated right off the bat, I can proceed. On an August evening, I nipped over the Ben Franklin Bridge and made my way to…