- Celebrities, Culture, Dessert, Drink, Entertainment, Events, Fashion, Food, Latest News, Restaurants, Travel
2019 James Beard Media Awards Bites the Big Apple at NYC’s Chelsea Piers
Visit Philly’s presence as presenter tops the list! “Through food we express love. We bring comfort and hope. We forge new relationships and strengthen old bonds. Food reaffirms not only our humanity but the joy of being alive.” – Marcus Samuelsson Story, photos by Sharon Kozden I can’t cook for beans. Let me amend that: I choose not to cook because I haven’t yet arrived at a stage in my life where cooking takes precedence over other activities. However and albeit slowly, my evolving self is beginning to understand the bigger picture, to conceptualize the larger significance of the roles that food and cooking play in one’s lifetime. It’s as…
- Architecture, Culture, Dessert, Drink, Education, Explore with Cassie, Food, Latest News, Nature, Restaurants, Science, Television, Travel
Eat and Drink Your Face Off in San Antonio, Texas While Exploring the City
Photos, story by Cassie Hepler When the tourism board for Visit San Antonio, Texas invites you on a press trip, you go. Especially when it’s a culinary tour and the itinerary includes eating, exploring (hey, that sounds familiar), sleeping, wining and dining at some of the best spots that this massive city has to offer (its the 7th largest city in the U.S. while Philly is 5th). The night before the scheduled 4 a.m. flight from Philly by Southwest (hint: never agree to early flights while having spotty reception in the Poconos the previous week), I was bouncing around from back to back events and packed at 8 p.m. the night…