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A Once a Day Approach to Feeling Fit and Fabulous

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Story by Cassie Hepler

If you’re interested in starting on a path to complete physical, mental, and emotional fitness and wellness, but feel overwhelmed with the prospect of such a major life overhaul, consider implementing strategies that can integrate seamlessly into your everyday life. This approach allows you to move at your own pace and develop habits with the potential to become lifelong routines. If you practice these suggestions, then before you know it, you’ll be on the road to holistic well-being.

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Benefits of Health and Wellness

Of course, when we talk about healthy eating and fitness routines, we typically consider ways in which we’ll eventually look better and feel better, which is a valid response. However, it’s important to remember that whole-body health and wellness also leads to a lot of other benefits. Chances are you’ll sleep better, be more focused, enjoy a better state of mind and mood, and reduce pain you might not have known was impacting your life. According to Everyday Health, an improved lifestyle also has the potential to reduce stress and anxiety and stave off depression.

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Take the One-a-Day Approach

Rather than try to remake your life all at once, take a one-a-day approach by changing one minor thing each day that will lead you to a healthier life. Maybe this means taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking two laps around the block instead of one. According to Healthline, swapping a sugary snack for fresh fruit or drinking sparkling water in place of soda can also make a big difference in how you feel. Adding just one small change each day – or even one change each week if you need a slower start – can add up to big gains over time. It also allows you to ease into a new way of living without feeling overwhelmed. 

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Adopt An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plan

Along with getting regular massages, a lot of aches and pains can be eliminated through specialized nutrition plans and supplements designed to reduce inflammation. For example, turmeric is a natural remedy for reducing internal inflammation, and can be taken in capsule form or added to food and drink. Getting enough dark leafy greens, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats like those that come from fish and avocado, can also help. As you get older, supplements that contain fish oil or chondroitin and glucosamine can also help ease the pain and stiffness of achy joints, as can heal-and-soothe supplements.

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Explore Pain Relief Options

Many people suffer from back pain, sciatica, or inflammation, which can have a negative impact on how you feel. This pain may prevent you from living the life you want, including activities that trigger or exacerbate problems. A physical fitness routine that includes targeted stretching can help reduce this particular problem and make you excited about being active again. For example, according to Medical News Today, hip flexor stretching exercises are good for relieving back, leg, and hip pain that can come from sitting too much. Exercises like butterfly, pigeon, and bridge pose can help alleviate discomfort and help you develop better overall flexibility and improved range of motion.

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Get Professional Help

Health and fitness is often touted as a straightforward approach to living a healthy lifestyle, but with so much conflicting advice online, it can be tough to figure out what’s appropriate for you and your unique personal situation. You can find health, nutrition, fitness, and wellness specialists through online job platforms who can guide you on your journey to improved health. Do some research, like reading reviews, asking for price quotes, and assessing availability before choosing someone to work with.

Becoming healthy, fit, and pain-free is not a one-time activity, but rather a commitment to living your best life by implementing long-term strategies to achieve whole-body wellness. With these helpful tips, you’re sure to get on the right track in no time.

*This is a sponsored post and Cassie Hepler was paid to promote this article.