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AC Anonymous Artists Bring Colorful Images to the Streets of Atlantic City

In recent weeks, many of the “ugly” facades in Atlantic City, have been graced by the works of anonymous artists who place unique art pieces on doors, windows and other eye sores to help beautify the city. Going by the name AC Anonymous, we don’t know who they are, or when they’ll strike again, but good news for us is we were able to interview their spokesperson. See who’s behind the scenes of this artistic mystery and learn how you can help:

WHITNEY: Tell us who you are?

SPOKESPERSON: I am the spokesperson for AC Anonymous. I handle social media and interviews.

Why under the guise of AC Anonymous?

SPOKESPERSON: AC Anonymous seemed to be an intriguing and mysterious title for this project in the sense that it keeps the artists, printer, and others involved in the shadows. It is a movement to beauty Atlantic City and draw attention to the unique architecture and neighborhoods across the city.

Is there a meaning behind each piece?

SPOKESPERSON: The images used so far are colorful images of Atlantic City that show it in a more bright and positive light. We do have some ideas in the works that will almost be interactive with the viewer. Maybe an image of someone standing in a doorway posted up on a door way as if they are looking at you, or maybe some eyes peering out a window.

What is your ultimate vision of the city and how do you see art playing a role?

We would like to see the city thrive like anyone else. With Stockton coming to the area along with other investments and projects, things are heading in a positive direction. We hope to see art flourish in Atlantic City. More public displays of art, interactive performers on the boardwalk, sculptures, and maybe similar public art projects like AC Anonymous. The goal of this project is to get our images in front of the local neighborhood audience who may see the photo walking to the bus stop or on their way to a store as well as tourists and other visitors. We want people to get out and explore the beauty in Atlantic City through art. They can appreciate not only the image but the architecture surrounding it.

Will he/she eventually reveal themselves? 

SPOKESPERSON: Eventually we may share our identities. For know we will remain anonymous. We are doing this to bring positivity and a little bandaid if you will, to beautiful buildings that are in need of a touch up. We want people to see the potential in Atlantic City that we do.

Do you work with other artists?

SPOKESPERSON: Yes this is a collaborative effort with some local photographers.

For those who don’t understand the meaning of this art, how should they view these pieces and what should they look for?

SPOKESPERSON: They should view these pieces for what they are. They are large prints of Atlantic City, sunrise, sunset, the beach, boardwalk, back bays.

Do you place the art at specific times of the day? Are you doing it with permission from the city?

SPOKESPERSON: The art has been put up at all times of the day or night. We are not.

What’s a motto that you live by?

SPOKESPERSON: Measure twice, print once.

Are there people in Atlantic City and/or advocates for Atlantic City with whom you agree with their politics and values, if so who and why?

SPOKESPERSON: We agree with anyone trying to spread positivity and put an effort into taking Atlantic City to its full potential.

Tell us something about yourself that we would be interested to know?

SPOKESPERSON: I grill a mean hotdog.

Anything else you would like people to know?

SPOKESPERSON: We are on facebook at : www.facebook.com/ACAnonymous1
Instagram: AC_Anonynous

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/acanonymous

Also are selling prints of any of the images used in this project. When prints are purchased we will be donating 25% to Haven Beat the Streets, a local organization helping the homeless and needy in Atlantic City as well as Atlantic County, with the remainder covering the cost to print and some going towards new prints to put up.