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Save on Lodging, Food in Bermuda with Celebrity Cruises

Just look at those shades of blue in Bermuda!

Photos, story by Cassie Hepler

This Spring and Summer have been really heating up in my world! Since getting back from Breathless Resorts in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and catching the traveling bug again, I’ve been doing a lot more travel which alway makes my soul happy. I promised one of my besties to go on a cruise with her through Celebrity Cruises which were very nice… and old. Not so much the ship itself but the crowd. Our favorite couple at dinner asked us why we were on this ship with a bunch of old people and we immediately adopted them as our cruise parents. Celebrity is known for the food and when you have two foodies traveling to paradise in the middle of the ocean, it’s kind of a necessity. It was either that or fly there and this seemed like a nice kind of forced disconnect from reality option at a steal. Perhaps I’m a bit spoiled nowadays, but the nickel and diming of cruising really puts me off. I would rather pay an upfront price and turn off my brain on board. Drink packages require you to be an alcoholic every day of the week and my liver just can’t handle that anymore! It’s quality over quantity at this stage of life.

We lucked out with only a little rain when we left and by day two, we were laying in the sunshine, enjoying a bucket of beer and attempting to relax and not look at my cell phone except to take photos as there was no reception anyway. Because my bestie has timeshare deals, we had a pretty basic bitch bottom of the barrel room on the bowels of the ship which are nothing to write about. For young gals traveling on a tight budget, think of this as your ferry to paradise. But when we arrived, we were planning our own sort of DIY excursions and make your own adventures which turned out pretty damn good. My most favorite part of the trip was the beaches and yes, they had pink sand at some. For a pasty white girl, I really love the sun! And even in May, it was scorching at points even while wearing SPF 75.

The Celebrity Cruises Summit ship ready to go!
The butt of the ship!
As we were walking away from Celebrity Cruises in Bermuda to go explore the island.
Our gold coins… finding treasure already!
Dee with her Arnold Terminator sunglasses on!
It was very tempting to just jump in that Bermuda water!
Getting closer to shore in Bermuda and all the boats docked.
Not even sure where we popped out here in Bermuda, looks like Old Cellar Lane.
But pretty colors everywhere in Bermuda!
Bermuda is actually British territory so it’s a whole different vibe than other islands.
We strapped on our best sneakers and began our walkabout adventure in Bermuda. Best way to get exercise and save some money!
We had a rough idea of what we were doing but not really, just exploring Bermuda.
Oh no, it got stuck!
These smelled amazing in Bermuda!
We starting climbing up stuff in Bermuda.
And were rewarded with these views of Bermuda.
We can never resist ridiculous photos in Bermuda!
So many pretty flowers abounded in Bermuda.
Red tropical flowers in Bermuda.
Fragrant while tropical flowers in Bermuda.
Down a jungle looking path in Bermuda.
This rooster was watching us as I was watching it in Bermuda.
Delving inside random doors in Bermuda.
A beautiful chandelier in Bermuda with weird neon lines flanking it.
Some wooden art in Bermuda.
Backs always fascinate me with my scoliosis I suppose in Bermuda.
Majestic queen energy in Bermuda. Love that antique frame too!
Onto the City Hall & Arts Center in Bermuda.
A different looking clock in Bermuda.
One of the many crests in Bermuda.
These are kind of like the commandments in Bermuda but not religious just logical and fair.
The men’s fashion here fancy on top, casual on bottom in Bermuda. Mullet wear?
What a piston!
Just beautiful with that purple color!
Pink hues at The Princess Hotel that matched the pink sand beaches in Bermuda.
We hopped into our next excursion in Bermuda. Notice he’s driving on the right hand side.
And popped out to the Rum Bum Beach Bar in Bermuda, sadly closed now but you can still play in the sand here.
And to the beaches we went in Bermuda! This was a popular, overcrowded spot so we strapped on our bikinis, sneakers and SPF and hiked along the shore for the best views. Yes, the sands really are pink in the South beaches of Bermuda. Start at the tourist trap beach and hike until you find road again, there’s buses and taxis everywhere.
Check out this coral in Bermuda!
Just a heads up, explore at your own risk. If you’re not an avid hiker or in shape, don’t do it.
But once you do climb up those cliffs, what a view of Bermuda!
Then we got a little closer.
It’s very tempting to jump in but with those rocks = certain death.
This was a great vantage point to see where we were going next!
The beach in Bermuda is stunning.
Just wow, we were happy with our hiking choice in Bermuda.
I put some yoga pants on to maybe stop some of the sunburn!
The famous pink sand beach in Bermuda!
Photos and videos do not do this place justice in Bermuda!
We kept finding washed up man o’ war in Bermuda. Don’t touch the tentacles they will sting you!
It was fun navigating through the cliffs in Bermuda.
We just kept beach hopping in Bermuda!
An up close of the pink sand in Bermuda. The sand is pink only in the South beaches in Bermuda because of tiny red organisms that grow beneath the coral reefs just off the shore. When they die and fall to the ocean floor, the organisms mingle with bits of coral and crushed shell that are washed onto the beach and make the sand appear an otherworldly shade of pink.
More of the stunning beaches in Bermuda.
Welcome to paradise in Bermuda! Rocking my new Michael Kors bikini in Bermuda’s South beaches.
A crew of people on horseback were the only ones we saw!
The perfect beach photo in Bermuda!
You can easily plan a beach hike yourself like we did in Bermuda. Easy to follow paths abound.
Looking back the other direction in Bermuda.
Beauty comes in all colors!
So vibrant in Bermuda!
Soon we came back toward civilization in Bermuda.
And saw the tropical colors of nearby houses in Bermuda.
Scooters which may be an option next time in Bermuda at The Swizzle.
I was obsessed with trying this drink but for real in Bermuda.
Yes, we hiked for this drink in Bermuda!
Here it is in all it’s glory, very potent and tasty!
And had to visit the Gosling Brothers in Bermuda. DO NOT get extra strong tourist rum, it tastes like gasoline. Just stick to the normal stuff you see in the states! Yes, that was the line…

Literally starting the week we were there, we went to a street fair which had the native dancers on the street. The Gombey is an iconic symbol of Bermuda, this folklife tradition reflecting the island’s blend of African, Caribbean and British cultures, incorporating them over time into a unique performance art full of colorful and intricate masquerade, dance and drumming. Since there is not a stone native to the island, I bought some pink sand earrings. Bermuda is an interesting mix of old world culture and British prim and proper ways. Men wore suit jackets with the Bermuda shorts and socks up to their knees with loafers. Uber and Lfyt are not allowed, all tours go though the tourism board only and AirBnB rentals are sparse. It’s very government controlled and squeaky clean unlike Caribbean countries.

There was a parade of culture and colors happening down the street in Bermuda.
Sights, sounds and excitement filled the air in Bermuda.
Intricate costumes abounded in Bermuda.
The attraction went well into the night in Bermuda.
With a marching band keeping the vibe going in Bermuda.
I’m only guessing this was my dirty martini at The Pickled Onion! A little blurry here…
The port city at night in Bermuda. The nice thing about Celebrity Cruises is that they dock the ship for a few nights so you have time to explore.
We were up and at ’em the next day off the dock in Bermuda and found a lizard friend.
And continuing my travel cat series, this island cat in Bermuda.
It was cave exploring day at Crystal Cave in Bermuda!

Crystal Cave is an underground cave in the British overseas territory of Bermuda. It is located in Hamilton Parish, close to Castle Harbour. The cave is approximately 500 m long, and 62 m deep. The lower 19-20 m of the cave are below water level. Fantasy cave was my favorite with its sprawling length and the water connected to the Crystal Cave next door.

Down the many steps in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
Things get a little right in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
Don’t go if you get claustrophobia in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
Soon you see those hues of blue in the water in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
Untouched for centuries in Crystal Cave Bermuda.

Bring the good camera to Crystal Cave Bermuda.
My friend for scale and matches the water in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
So fresh and so clean in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
Do not touch in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
So cool and temperature wise too in Crystal Cave Bermuda.
A final peak before we leave Crystal Cave Bermuda.
With out trusty paper map and a can of Barritts ginger beer, we’re ready to explore some more in Bermuda!
Back toward to beach to find a cave I can swim inside in Bermuda!

Always obsessed with caves, that was on my can’t miss bucket list and lucky me, there was not one but three caves all interconnected and one available to go swimming inside!

Over a bridge in Bermuda…
Through this jungle in Bermuda…
And you pop out here in Bermuda!
I was eager to get in that water and explore the cave in Bermuda.

My pasty white self enjoying a swim in the natural public caves that connect to Crystal and Fantasy caves. People were cliff jumping about 20 feet into the water as well.

It didn’t go too far back but was a rad experience in Bermuda. I’m reflecting the sun here!
Once back from that, we went to visit the Deliverance Ship in Bermuda. Now demolished, we only have photo memories to share.
A little background in Bermuda.
Step inside this ship in Bermuda.
Some rad history for my buffs in Bermuda.
Such a small deck compared to the cruise ship in Bermuda.
A view we don’t see much anymore in Bermuda.
Some other stalkable ships in Bermuda.
Such a stunning sight in Bermuda.
Then apparently we stumbled upon a church in Bermuda.
Here’s the British vibes in Bermuda.
Inside the chapel in Bermuda.
Holy water in Bermuda.
Lots of woodwork in Bermuda.
Stunning architecture in Bermuda.
An altar in Bermuda.
And a skull stone because why not in Bermuda, we like weirdness.
A view from the outside of the chapel in Bermuda.
If you go through this, you may be teleported back in time in Bermuda.
Stunning steps in Bermuda.
We found some ruins in Bermuda.
It looked to be religious in Bermuda.
Climbing around in ruins is top tier in Bermuda.
There it is!
Very cool for photos in Bermuda.
So many cool shots in Bermuda.
Killing one of my besties in Bermuda. Witchcraft, no doubt!
Even just an island shop is pretty in Bermuda!
It was a sunset bonfire night in Bermuda!
Talk about a stunner in Bermuda!
We randomly found a cove in Bermuda.
And made some fast media friends in Bermuda! Notice the fashion again…
Pretty sunset in Bermuda.
There was some sort of event that we kind of crashed in Bermuda. A friendly bunch!
A huge bottle of rum can’t ever be gone!
Dancers entertained the crowd in Bermuda.
Fire heats up the cool nights in Bermuda.
And we popped in for a pint at The Frog and Onion Pub in Bermuda.
A pint is practically water when it comes to British territory in Bermuda.
The next morning we boarded a boat in Bermuda across from our ship. Our last adventure at sea was going snorkeling over the many shipwrecks that got caught on coral reefs in Bermuda.
To the open sea we go in Bermuda!
Ready to go with my bikini on underneath in Bermuda!
Outstanding views in Bermuda.
It looks like a painting in Bermuda.
Imagine having a boat in Bermuda!
This crest started looking familiar in Bermuda.
To our next stop on land in Bermuda.
We were trying to squeeze in a ton of fun before we left Bermuda.
Walking the plank in Bermuda!
Playing with some more ships in Bermuda.
A good view of the dock in Bermuda.
The magical waters of Bermuda.
Back on board the ship, they were doing face painting and my friend gladly posed!
A growling good time on this trip to Bermuda!
I vaguely remember this comedian but we must have liked him to get a pic!
And my souvenir for family, you cannot take sand yourself it is illegal so you must buy it in Bermuda!

Our voyage back was a little rocky as we headed into a severe storm that forced the crew to board up some lower deck windows but we made it home safe and sound! Would I go again? You betcha. But next time, I’ll be flying and staying for a week. And maybe this time they will allow us to rent mopeds (we were two blondes denied access probably for the best)!