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Here’s How To Have Unlimited Networking Contacts

Story, photos by Cassie Hepler

There is really no big secret to networking. Yet people make it seems like it’s some mysterious endless array of pay-as-you-go business mixers that usually leaves them deflated and uninspired. Don’t be silly. You can literally network everywhere you go. All you need is some inspiration.

People (even my niece) said to me, “You have a friend who does everything,” and in part that is true. I have been building a network of professionals, creatives and friends since I moved to Philadelphia in 2006. But the key element of that is the follow-up. No matter if I’m going to a private dinner or a gala, I’m always networking, giving out and collecting business cards. Giving them out may get you a Google search and some hits on your social media accounts. But few people actually reach out to connect beyond that any further. This is where you can stand out and be different. Take that stack of cards out of the trash and actually reach out to the people on the cards. Email them with a Subject line of “Nice to meet you at LIST LOCATION/EVENT HERE” so you can remember where you met and it doesn’t become one big confusing mess. I also have three email addresses – one for writing and blogging, one for social media and one for modeling and acting. Creating a “Networking” folder is key and using searchable terms in the email creates consistency and makes it easy to find people you need in a pinch. For instance, if you meet an accountant, make sure to use that in the email such as “I may need an accountant someday and would love to keep in touch.” That way your email already saves it as a sent message with the easily searchable keyword of accountant. If people don’t reply (which happens), don’t worry. Just move on.

And of course sometimes you need to be “off” so you can just enjoy the moment wherever you are. But don’t miss an opportunity to connect with someone amazing because you were feeling antisocial that day! A couple minutes of your time may give you that “in” you’ve been looking for and you can always politely excuse yourself and promise to follow up at a later date.

Do not use social media as a way to network. Facebook has those annoying little pop up messengers, Twitter is too limited and Instagram and Snapchat messages… it just gets to be too much. You can start initial contacts and get leads there but take it to email when it starts panning out. Trust me, it will keep you sane and also weed out the people who are not serious and want to waste your time.

There are three types of people in this world: givers, takers and matchers, according to psychologist Adam Grant. Takers get called out eventually for always taking, givers need to learn to reign it in and matchers are the best place to be as you are always trying to help others.

Whenever I think in my head, “these two people need to meet,” I instantly email connect them whether or not I am getting anything out of it (good karma maybe?) Granted, I do not always remember names (I could actually use an assistant for this) but I never forget a face. And that goes a long way. Don’t stumble, just say hello with a handshake or a hug, depending on how well you know each other and ask how they are doing. Usually someone else will say their name or their clues of current life events will tip your memory off to the name of the person you are speaking with.

Along the lines of givers and takers, I have experienced both. Mainly the takers try to come and bleed me dry being a matcher and sometimes too much of a giver (I’m working on that one). I had a taker who became fast friends with me a few years back. I’m usually one to screen people first but because she was a friend of a friend, I thought she was a solid person and let her in my circle. Big mistake. This “friend” was only there for what I could give her which was tagging along to media events, media dinners and getting free things from me. When I would ask her to do something in return for my blogs, she would complain and throw a hissy fit like a child. Eventually her greed cost me a job and that was one life lesson I will never forget! There was also the time a taker came into my life after a mutual friend had passed away and we connected. Soon after I found out she was using all my contacts for her own blog posts and even representing herself as the editor/contact for my babies, and Needless to say, she was kicked off the sites and out of my life just in time as she tried to log in days later no doubt to cause a ruckus. Recently I joined a West Philly newspaper as assistant editor and soon found out I was with a whole group of takers who bounced checks, didn’t pay me my full weekly salary and more hassles. I decided to cut my losses asap and quit. Big surprise, they shorted my last mailed check yet again but I’ll leave that up to karma now.

Sometimes you just have to move on and let your sparkle shine. Now carry on friends and network the heck out of the new year! Happy connections to you all.