Cool Down at Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast
Story, photos by Cassie Hepler Welcome to my first time on the Oregon Coast but most certainly not my last… Checking off another travel box off the bucket list was visiting Portland, Oregon and driving out to the stunning Pacific Northwest Coast. Working with nearby Wilsonville, Oregon, I was connected with the friendly folks at Cannon Beach, Oregon and so happy it all came to fruition. With limited time and a pretty packed schedule, I was up and at ‘em, excited and ready to enjoy that salty air probably way too early Friday morning. What can I say, I love the beach! I also learned on the drive from Beaverton,…
- Day Trips, Education, Entertainment, Explore with Cassie, Food & Beverage, Latest News, Lifestyle, Travel
Relax in the Small Town of Wilsonville, Just South of Portland, Oregon
Story, photos and video by Cassie Hepler Never travel for business during Spring Break! That’s the first moral of this story as I always have to learn things the hard way… I booked a flight at the crack o’ dawn through Southwest so I could hit the ground running on a Monday morning to make the week last extra long. In theory, it’s a good idea during any other time of the year and you will fly through security at Phoenix Airport with time to spare. But this time was a Spring Break shit show at 5 a.m. with lines crawling down the hallway with the progression of a snail.…