CiderFest Brought Hardcore Fun to Woodford Mansion in Philly’s Fairmount Park
Stately Woodford Mansion played host in 2023 to the sixth annual CiderFest. “His voice in her ear was rich, just like the cider was in her throat. She couldn’t help but look at him, and his face was so close. Everything about him was rich and balanced. He was the physical embodiment of this cider. Would she discover more layers the longer she knew him? He was close enough that the flecks of gold in his eyes sparkled at her like the cider’s missing effervescence. He was close enough for her to smell the cider on his breath, the color of it making her light-headed and giddy.” ― Amy E. Reichert, The…
Getting a Lil’ (Apple) Sauced During CiderFest at Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park’s Woodford Mansion
CiderFest attendee gives the cider press a rotation during a demonstration. “There is a place, September, oh, very far from Pandemonium. A place where it is always autumn, where there is always cider and pumpkin pie, where leaves are always orange and fresh-cut wood is always burning and it is always, just always Halloween” ~~ Catherynne M Valente Story, photos by Sharon Kozden While fall is the Fiona Apple of my ear (read: the aural equivalent of moody, low-slung clouds) I actually know people who don’t like autumn. Weirdos? Nah. Just people doing what they do (read: exercising their right to be). Imma do me. You do you. We all do…