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Why You Should Go Hiking

Image source: Pexels

When it comes to fitness you might be asking yourself whether or not walking is worth it. Firstly, walking is absolutely worth it if you are trying to become fitter and healthier, but hiking takes walking to another elevated level. Hiking is one of those activities where you can rest, relax and exercise all at the same time. You’re resting away from your home or office, you are relaxing because you are in nature, and you’re exercising because the movement that you are doing will help to tone and keep your muscles fit. 

When it comes to exercise, if you don’t want to join a gym, you can still get as much information that you need about hiking you just need to know which places to look at. Heading to the Catskills visitor information website will help you out when it comes to looking up what you need to know to hike in the snow, but you can hike pretty much anywhere there are trails around. It’s a low barrier to entry in this type of sport, so it’s very easy to get started and you don’t need to have a specific Bank of special skills. With that in mind, here are some of the best reasons that you should choose hiking as your next activity.

  • It’s a great form of cardio. If you like to exercise and you like to get your muscles moving on your heart pumping, hiking is a great way to get started. You will be out and about in nature, moving your body in places you may not have been before. Keeping a steady pace as you walk and even speeding up occasionally is a great way to exercise your body and keep yourself fit.
  • It’s fun to be outdoors. Who wants to be stuck in a smelly, stuffy gym when you could be out hiking with friends. It’s good for your physical health and it’s good for your mental health because being in the sunlight is going to help you to elevate your mood. Breathing in the fresh air is also going to help you with your mood because you’re going to feel good while you do it. All of those happy hormones will be trundling into existence in a way that you wouldn’t find in a hot gym.
  • It’s a social thing to do. Finding a workout that works for all of your friends isn’t easy, but each of you would have a great time hiking together. You can mix it up and choose different trails and terrains to explore, and you’ll be able to even go abroad to tackle some of the bigger trail mountains out there. As long as you are safe with it you can be as brave as you like.
  • Getting out of routine. Hiking gives you a chance to explore new places which we’ve already said, but it also gets you out of the routine of a mundane office environment and allows you to enjoy nature in all of its glory. This is one of the main reasons that people choose to hike, because they’ll be able to get out there in the world for a change.