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Explore Down the Shore at Long Beach Island’s Daddy O Hotel in New Jersey

The Daddy O is a boutique-style hotel mere steps from the beach in Long Beach Island, NJ.

“The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach—waiting for a gift from the sea.” ― Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Story, photos by Sharon Kozden

What I did on my summer vacation … not much. I wanted to do a lot, but the heat, oh the heat. This year, it was just so off-putting, so extreme. Even the kayaking location I nearly made it to one Saturday morning posted a shut-down notice for the 106-degree real-feel temperatures.

I barbequed zero beef patties or chicken thighs thus far on my charcoal kettle grill. Didn’t spit out a single watermelon seed in the backyard. Barely sat on my twinkle-lighted deck at dusk with white wine and a shrimp and cheese light-bite selection. Even my beloved Tillie Rose’s walks were shortened lest her paw pads be scorched on egg-frying concrete. My world ground to a heat-horror halt.

So, what did I do? I stayed in and read, which is fine, even lovely because I am an inveterate reader, English major and writer. A lifelong cineaste, I devoured films at home on my sofa beneath a ceiling fan circulating cool air. What else? I puttered, organized and decorated my flat, then cuddled with my Brood. I also made a crammed to-do list of every dang summer activity I had wanted to bucket list-check (but didn’t) and earmarked it for the final weeks before Labor Day. Ma Nature, hear my plea: relent and grant an end-of-season reprieve. I cannot NOT summer!

This year’s sunny season also made it patently clear (deep into my bones’ marrow) that I am a person rendered barely human by extreme heat. Irritability and moodiness titrate upward. I can’t tolerate much, don’t want to do much and glory when spying an errant orange leaf among the still green others, a potent and welcome visual reminding me to hang tight, autumn is a-comin’ in.

A work colleague asked what my problem was. He mentioned that I drive an air-conditioned ride and both work and live in similar freon-gas, heat-removing environments. No matter. Said extremis temps still affect me as previously described. I had to school him in my “ways.”

My seasonal Debbie Downer thus enumerated; I did do a thing (love doing those “a things”!) early June ’round about my mom’s birthday (she died in January 2023) that left me with a pleasant memory imprint, and which is the topic of this, my summer vacation essay of sorts. Read on …

That thing I did … I went down the shore! Had a sea salt-spray escape–an Rx-bromide of sorts from way back in the day–that “sea-voyage cure” oft-recommended as a salty air- and water tuberculosis treatment.

And where did I go when I went down the shore? Why, the Daddy O in LBI. The occasion was a media invite to “celebrate the official start of the summer season with Fearless Restaurants.” A select group of invitees would enjoy complimentary overnight accommodations at Daddy O. My host advised she had a lone remaining opening, so I jumped aboard.

Daddy O is billed as a 22-room boutique hotel. It’s tres chic and modern and offers the complimentary items every beachgoer requires … and then some. All things beachy keen–chairs, towels, tags, umbrellas–you’ll want for nothing as you chillax and dig those toe-piggies into the sand. The building’s exterior architecture boasts its own version of vintage seashore evident in its “cedar shingles, red roof, whiteboard, and batten-like, old-time construction with a wrap-around porch.”

Daddy O is located a block from the seashore! There’s even a shower area in the slender walkway leading to an outdoor bar and patio a.k.a. the Garden Patio and Rum Bar. No need to track sand grit from beach strolls into your oceanic bungalow. Keep soft, plush and clean the luxe Frette linens on your uber-plush mattress. Enjoy later your pre-dinner rainfall shower with Malin + Goetz bath products with nary a grain between feet and drain. Shut your peepers and enter sweet dreams’ sleep stage without beach detritus to interrupt your REM cycles. Of what do you dream?

If you’re like me, it’s the exquisite meal-slash-feast in my belly or themed cocktails like the one colored lavender with edible candy florets afloat. But more on that later.

I headed out from Gladwyne, PA mid-afternoon that Thursday with the Daddy O as GPS destination. Ten minutes into my trip, I got lost in the city and was felled by a traffic snarl. Fit to be tied, I wanted to retreat but pressed on and pushed through. At some point, Tom Petty‘s “I Won’t Back Down” played. If you know the tune, you know. I immediately switched mental and emotional gears, cranked the radio, opened my ride’s moon roof, and downed my its windows as I ran down a dream–straight to sounds, smells, sights of sand and my own version of a gift from the sea.

As I drove, I mulled over in my head the weekend itinerary from the invite … a summer cocktail class with appetizers at Daddy O’s rooftop O Bar, dinner at Daddy O Restaurant, beach yoga the next morning with Yoga Bohemia followed by lunch at Tucker’s Tavern, a Beach Haven local favorite inspired by the best American Taverns and British Pubs, featuring a local coastal menu, raw bar and an ever-changing selection of craft beers.” Yep: all that awaited me, minus the beers–because just not a fan of.

Arriving at Daddy O, I found a spot in the immediate parking lot and checked in. So far, so good. Such adorable decor (see snaps below). My room was small but cozy. The front desk staffer even brought me a fire-engine red retro mini fridge at my request. Later that evening, we were given a tour of the newly renovated rooms. For 2024, Daddy O is receiving a “refresh” with 11 rooms being renovated then and the remaining 11 to be refurbished post-season. What’s new? Wallpaper, furniture, bedding, TVs and other decor. My room was one of the already upgraded ones. Sweet. Pete Palladino led the tour, answering all questions lobbed at him by inquiring-minded media sorts.

We all gathered for cocktails at the secluded “Garden Patio and Rum Bar” at 6:30 p.m. Host Jaimi Blackburn, Director of Public Relations at Fearless Restaurants spoke, then introduced Chef Jeff Alberti and Director of Restaurant & Hotel Operations-NJ at Fearless Restaurants Pete Palladino. We went “around the room,” introducing ourselves and naming our handles and associations. I sipped the first of my three specialty cocktails of the evening. “The Empress” was a fetching concoction made with Khor Vodka, Soho Lychee Liqueur, Lemongrass, Citrus, Lychee and Baby Flowers. Probably the prettiest drink-with-a-name I’ve ever sipped.

Up on the roof, the Rooftop O Bar, this is, was next on our tour. We let our collective hair down with more cocktails, photo-snapped away in the down-deep lounge pit and admired the copious placement of massive, container-bound floral arrangements. I gaped at exquisite-looking food platters as they passed before me and were then presented to hungry folks. The mixologists at Daddy O are all exceptional: skilled, jovial and always willing to pause for a pose in mid- or full-on mix or shake. My second specialty cocktail was the Raspberry Crush, a seriously lush creation made with Stoli Raspberry, Lemon, Lime and a Raspberry Sugar Rim.

O! Sushi, always fresh and hand-rolled, is a very popular menu item served on the Rooftop O Bar. The menu is truly captivating and even features a “Crabtivating Roll” made with softshell crab. Fresh, local seafood on all Daddy O menus is as central to its seashore getaway experience as is the spirited and playful retro-chic decor.

Just prior to exiting the upper deck and making our way back downstairs for the renovated rooms’ tour (followed by time to freshen before dinner), I chatted all things yoga with the instructor who’d guide us to namaste nirvana early the next morning with a beach yoga session. Having enjoyed doing my own self-practice and asana sets for nearly thirty years now, we yogis could’ve gabbed the night away. But we adhered to our itinerary and moved it along.

With so many foodstuff options awaiting me at dinner, I knew I’d become both taster and takeaway-box requester. When we assembled afresh for our collective dining experience, our host led us into two private dining rooms inside the restaurant that are typically reserved for guests’ celebrations. Said seating arrangement was a great plan for our chatty, inquisitive foodie selves, and the photography-lighting technologies came out. The communal seating made better the passing and sharing abundant amounts of starters, entree, desserts and more that were being carefully traipsed from kitchen to our tables. Those excellent and friendly servers just had to be wearing their Hokas for all the running of said platters back and forth. Well done!

I also enjoyed being in a non-clique encouraging setting. Face to face and side by side we were, and as someone who often flies solo to these events, I appreciated the opportunity to meet and conversate with new compadres as well as watch and observe my writerly and camera-happy colleagues at work. There was a whole lotta sharing going on, which felt good. Kudos, Jaimi on that planning. Well done again!

Since I seem to be noting “well done” with frequency, let me here and now speak food, eats, grub, victuals, cuisine, fare, edibles, drinkables and the like. Thus began the march of the light bites, and we all dug in with mouths and Nikons. I’ve captured in a lengthy series of photos–just after this article’s conclusion–all of the many comestibles from starters to finishers that were enjoyed, so check out my snaps and know precisely why I was in gastronomic heaven.

The Daddy O Restaurant’s menu offers “American comfort food with modern creative interpretations and twists.” Trust me when I say that the food is superb: classic American cuisine that is savory and delectable, heavy on the fresh, local seafood pairings, served by a super-affable and accommodating staff and, generally speaking, a place I’d drive a distance to dine at. I’m a fuss pot, who believes life is too short to eat a sub-par meal whether breakfast, lunch or dinner. I also am particular about how I spend the precious commodity that is my time, so my willingness to commute for a meal speaks volumes. Chef Jeff Alberti and Team, my compliments of the highest order. Once more with these well-done kudos because good things come in threes, it’s said. As far as the adult beverages, the restaurant has a wide selection of wine, cocktails both classic and specialty and more.

Waddling back to my room after a multi-course feast and sweet treats fit for a queen, I noticed the expected downpour we’d been hearing about had arrived and would stay with us most of the evening and into the morning hours. Maybe beach yoga wasn’t in the mat for me.

I’m not one to force anything–activities, relationships of any sort and the like. And mayhap, too, I was missing my girly-girl pooch a bit more than I’d expected to. Likely, it was all of the above that culminated in my decision to lift anchor and set sail homeward early the following morning. It was still rainy and sopping wet when I checked out. While contented with all I’d experienced, I was a mite bummed to miss out on some of the scheduled group activities–but only a mite.

So! That’s what I did on my comped summertime shore outing. What did I miss? Beach yoga and lunch at the aforementioned Tucker’s Tavern. It’s alright: I reframed and made peace with my choice to honor the homeward-bound lure I felt. Not only do I no longer force anything, I also pay attention (and deeply so) to my gut, yearnings, desire, wants and needs. In the memorable lyrics of the iconic band known as Spinal Tap, I now listen “to what the flower people say.” And on that chuckle, please enjoy below captioned photographic evidence of my Daddy O at LBI visit, circa 2024.

I actually prefer off-season (not into crowds) shore stays. And off-season is coming soon! For seasonal or post-summer sea-suckers who want to, visit Daddy O’s website.

Sharon Kozden signals intentions for her overnight stay.

Daddy O’s restaurant boasts an intimate, stylish dining room along with its own large, full-service bar.

My room had a view of Long Beach Boulevard, LBI’s main artery in and out of the barrier island and popular summer vacation destination.

Painted red Hibiscus flowers dot the eye-catching surfboard signage.

After a long drive from my home in Gladwyne, the fruit-infused water dispenser was a refreshingly welcome sight in the lobby at check-in.

Vintage beach scenes in the photography prints that are virtually everywhere reminded me of the wistful nostalgia of my own girlish days.

Retro beach-cruiser bikes, all shiny red with thick, white-walled tires accent the decor and are functional to boot.

Love these color-combos, the sofas–the entire welcoming, comfy vibe makes me wonder why no one is hanging out here. Oh, yeah … the beach is half a block away!

This sofa is just begging me for a deep dive with a good book or post-beach nap.

Ah, bed. There’s nothing like “bed.” So inviting … and with a sweet treat as the perfect nightcap. OMG: the pillow’s color and “fur” favor my pup Tillie Rose’s coat. Missing!

After a day at the beach and a refreshing shower, envelop yourself in a Frette bathrobe and lounge in the lap luxury.

Nice bano. It’s a good thing I’m not into makeup much, as you can see the challenge here for makeup application for the ladies.

Cutest lit’l mini-fridge ever … in keeping with the retro-theme.

The lifeguard’s chair is an iconic shore sighting. This freshly painted yellow one is sunny and welcoming.

Traipsing toward my first ocean sighting of 2024 …

It’s a rather breathtaking moment when every summer I espy the ocean anew!

Trailing home from the beach free from the scalding hot sand.

Gorgeous cloud cover over a calm sea. I am decidedly NOT a sun person, so these clouds are a gift to me. My “beaching” hours begin at 4:00 p.m.

Outdoor bar a.k.a. the Garden Patio and Rum Bar at the Daddy O … soon be time to serve ’em up.

Meet Team Outdoor Patio and Rum Bar … all set to shake, pour and serve.

Coach “Poppy” bag meet “The Empess,” so aptly named a themed cocktail with lemongrass, lychee and baby flowers. Cheers!

From Left Daddy O Chef Jeff Alberti and Director of Restaurant & Hotel Operations-NJ at Fearless Restaurants Pete Palladino deliver a message to media folk.

Director of Public Relations at Fearless Restaurants Jaimi Blackburn speaks to representative media folk.

Let’s GO … to the Rooftop Bar.

Up on the roof, the Rooftop Bar, that is. Festive and pretty with plentiful seating and twinkle lights. Alas, there’s no ocean view, although it’s great to have such a variety of hang spots in one hotel destination. Talk about barhopping: Daddy O has your back, hatch and wallet.

This festive group is about to be plated with their menu choices. Given what I saw pass before me, those smiles will be even bigger as plates touch down.

Check out the Russet Potato Fries, which appear done to perfection–exactly as I like mine!

I saw this dish in the crook of a server’s arm and knew in an instant I could eat it every day. J’adore sauced-up shrimp and the light fare bed its set upon. Nothing carb-heavy to warrant nappy time.

Can this be a light-bite version of the entree known as Thai Steak & Noodle Salad with filet tips, lo mien, shaved vegetables, greens, avocado, sesame-soy dressing and macadamia nuts? It made an appearance up on the roof.

Decorative containers with lush floral displays gussied up the deck.

Step down into this plush and verdant lounge area on the Rooftop Bar.

The Rooftop Bar crew was a breath of freshie air … love these genuinely sweet ‘uns. All servers during my stay were phenomenal.

The Specialty Cocktail menu is on point, scoring points for presentation, creativity and taste. Choosing but two was a challenge, but that’s where a return visit next season comes in.

This mixologist had such a way with her craft. The flair and entertainment factors mesmerized me. Somewhere I have a video of her shaker-shaking, which could have been a dance move in its own right.

Toasting the evening with our yoga instructor. I call this asana “Upward Cranberry Crush Toast.”

Beach-chic vibes abound.

Pete Palladino paused for a pose while showing media folk Daddy O’s renovated rooms.

The 50s/60s surfing theme is everywhere at Daddy O … inescapable fun and frolicking at every turn.

The full-service bar at Daddy O Restaurant is large and lively–a popular meetup place for locals and hotel guests alike. Gather for specialty drinks and draft beer Monday through Friday at Happy Hour.

Casual dining area near the indoor bar keeps flowing the retro surf- and beach motifs.

Attention to style and detail with vibes both modern and retro-chic are evident in beachy touches at every turn.

Ooh … booths and banquettes are my jams. Noted: the warm ambiance the wall fireplace as focal point.

Circular booth seating is, for me, second only to having my own private island cabana dining space. It’s all about the privacy and cozy factors. The higher the backs, the better. Daddy O Restaurant nails it here in both stylish design and covert coverage.

I saved my third and final themed cocktail for dinner. Behold what appears to be the Tiki Punch with Brinley Coconut Rum, Pineapple & Banana Rums, Pineapple and Cranberry. At least, I think it was said punch. Either way, this drink was super tasty and refreshing.

I snapped a shot of one of my dinner mate’s menu choices; this chef’s creation is a melded, molded masterpiece.

This menu item from the Soup & Salads section is Burrata & Jersey Tomato with heirloom tomato, basil, green goddess, rosemary
focaccia, torn basil and sea salt.

With its carb-slice of flatbread, the Burrata & Jersey Tomato could actually be a meal on those heat-scorched days when one fancies something light. Sop that bread … oh-so-inviting.

Batter down the hatches with finger-licking Ale Battered Cheese Curds with Wisconsin cheddar and “O” sauce.

To photograph the Spicy Fish Tacos starter is a foodie-writer’s dream! To the dawg them down the gullet is pure gastronomic dee-light. My starter platter was a savory, tasty feast.

Oh, my glory: the Spicy Tuna Tacos with goma wakame, mango, sweet soy and crispy gyoza are a consistent slam dunk. I’ve had them several times and was never less than over-the-moon satisfied.

Yum: Dang Dang Shrimp with tempura, nashville hot aioli, green papaya and tajin was crispy-spicy perfection.

Stickin’ to my ribs was the Pork Belly Sliders starter with miso barbecue, ranch slaw, pickled red onion, brioche bun and sweet potato chips. I dislike onions; however, when a starter is this good, I do the ol’ pick-out maneuver.

I am all about trying new things, and while the Grilled Octopus with marcona almond romesco, baby kale, fennel and crisp chickpeas is lovely to behold, my taste buds screamed Hard No to the eight-limbed mollusc.

The Truffle fries were a massive hit … and why not? Look at these magnificent golden brown-tipped beauties with parmesan, togarashi aioli and herbs.

Meet my entree: a slab of filet meat done nearly to my medium-rare liking (a wee touch more medium than I prefer) with sides of asparagus and wild mushrooms.

The sweet-tooth decadence that is Pecan Bread Pudding with sea salt caramel-pretzel ice cream … ooey-gooey gorgio!

The Creme Brulee (with a dusting of powdered sugar) was rich and velvety smooth.

Good things come in threes, it’s said. I closed my epicurean evening with a third dessert taster … creamy cheesecake with graham-cracker crust, a dollop of topping and raspberry glaze aswirl.